
Boost your career
and combine theory with professional practice

You want to put your acquired knowledge in practice and gain valuable experience in an international company? Then profile yourself and boost your career with us! You may join BHTC in the form of internships, practical projects and theses or in form of part time working during your studies.

We offer you challenging tasks on various topics, e.g. in mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electronics, plastics or precision engineering, industrial engineering, economics or computer science and support you on the path of your career.


If you want to get to know your future job more practically, you are more than welcome to join us.

Gain experience as an intern in an international environment of a dynamic company. From the beginning of your internship you are part of the team and fully integrated into our work processes. You will participate in meetings and you are actively involved in our projects. An internship at the BHTC-Headquarter in Lippstadt usually takes three to six months. BTHC provides the opportunity to build a professional network during your internship – this could be the first step in your career at BHTC!

You should send your application three to five months before you want to start your internship.

You could not find any available vacancies? Please do not hesitate to send an unsolicited application. We are looking forward to your application!



You have almost finished your studies and would like to write your thesis in form of a practical task in a company?

Then BHTC is the right place for you! Whether you want to write your Bachelor or Master thesis – we are pleased, if you would like to write your thesis with us. We provide exciting and current topics with the focus on engineering, electric engineering, plastic engineering, precision engineering, industrial engineering, economics or computer science. As the practical relation is very important for us, we prefer to complete an internship or student trainee in our company beforehand.

You will get a first impression in our business culture and the relevant topics. Use your knowledge edge for your thesis. Perhaps it is your first career step at HTC.

You could not find any available vacancies? Please do not hesitate to send an unsolicited application. We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Student Trainees

You are currently studying and would like to apply your theoretical knowledge into practice?

Start your career as a student trainee. We provide exciting areas of responsibilities and attractive salary. As a student trainee you are part of the team and integrated into our work processes from the beginning.

BHTC provides you the opportunity to collect a first valuable insight, an attractive student salary and a professional network. Perhaps you will later also write your thesis at our company? This could be your first career step at BHTC.

You could not find any available vacancies? Please do not hesitate to send an unsolicited application. We are looking forward to your application!

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