Working at BHTC

BHTC combines the international perspectives of a large cooperation with the advantages of a medium-sized enterprise. To be part of BHTC means collaboration within professional teams, an attractive salary as well as a good work-life balance. Every of our locations offers our employees an individual induction, joint activities and special benefits.

We are 'In Touch With The Future'

Continuous improvement

Wir gehen permanent neue Wege, was sich in vielen Weltneuheiten und zahlreichen patentierten Lösungen manifestiert. Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden, Zulieferern, Hochschulen und anderen Instituten sichert die Erschließung neuer Technologien. Darüber hinaus sichern zahlreiche kontinuierliche Optimierungen unseren technologischen Vorsprung. Anmutige und elegante Oberflächen aus unterschiedlichsten Materialien gehören für uns genauso zum Komfort wie die Klimaregelung.

Experts - the basis of our success

The innovation forms the basis for our successful product development. Technical competence, creativity and the experience of our numerous experts mix with each other. Thus, we have achieved a leading position as global manufacturer for climate control panels and units for vehicle air conditioning, representing them until today and want to further expand it in the future. International teams form our centre of our corporate culture. Our employees meet their international colleagues in the office, work towards common goals and regularly exchange ideas worldwide via video and teleconferencing. Global cooperation is everyday life at BHTC.

Employee Development

Our employees are our engine and the key to our success. The interplay of technical competence, creativity, commitment and experience of the various experts creates the innovations that form the basis of our successful development. With us, every employee can and should take over responsibility for his or her tasks, be able to contribute and develop on a permanent basis as well as personally. Therefore, we have established numerous training and development opportunities for our employees in order to bring our team forward, in a technological as well as personal manner.